Saturday, December 5, 2015

Completing the year 2015

This year has been a fruitful one, fulfilling on a personal and professional front.

Taking stock of what I have done / completed for the year, as we are about to bid adieu to year 2015.

In the first quarter of the year, made some progress with the Gymnastics Strength Training foundation course which I signed up for, and attended the workshop in which Coach Sommer, President/CEO of, personally came to coach.

I kicked my butt to find the time to resume ballet classes - something which I had procrastinated for the past 2 years. So, finally some time mid of this year, got around to dancing once again! And what's more, learning a different style of ballet this time - Vaganova! Having done the only the R.A.D syllabus, it's a refreshing start. Discovering the differences in some terms, and emphasis. In case any of you are interested to take up adult ballet, you may look up Yes, they have Introductory class for adults who are learning ballet for the first time.

Talk about serendipity, workshops related to/for dancers were up this year! Going with my intuition and the flow of time of events - I signed up for them!

Lisa Howell, owner of Perfect Form Physiotherapy in Sydney came to Singapore for the first time in September! It was a good 3-day workshop - reminder of how crucial the fundamentals are, as well as learning some other tools and exercises from a Physio perspective.

Concluding the year with one final workshop by Karen Clippinger. I flew across the globe to BASI Pilates studio in Costa Mesa, CA in November. Her textbook Dance Anatomy and Kinesiology which was released in 2007 has been used by many universities.
I loved her repertoire of exercises - from Matwork with Thera-bands, on the Fitball, and across various Pilates apparatus! The exercises looked deceivingly simple and easy, but they certainly are meant for dancers - improve their range and strengthening!

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Movement should be approached like life - with enthusiasm, joy and gratitude – for movement is life and life is movement, and we get out of it what we put into it.”

~ Ron Fletcher

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