Fermin Diez
I like that Louisa builds up the exercises from simple to more difficult in a way that makes me realize what is going on with different muscles and how to regain control of them.
The biggest takeaway for me has been awareness of posture and how bad habits contribute to muscle pain.
Britt Kneebone, Gym Manager at The American Club
I was talking to a member today and she was saying how much she enjoys the Fletcher Pilates class. She has also filled in The Club's 'Tell Us What You Think' card : "Louisa's great, patient, working to current moves - Thank you so much!"
A big thank you from us for providing a wonderful experience for our member.
Lorette Hebert
Louisa is an empowering teacher who is very patient, calm and consistent. She first made me realise how my body was aligned and help me understand the reason of most of my body aches. ...my strength and flexibility improved tremendously. I now take more care of the way I stand and walk. I would definitely recommend Louisa to anyone who is keen to learn Pilates. She is a good listener and she cares for her students.
Norhayati Yusoff
Louisa was able to motivate me as I can sense she has a deep understanding and believe in what Pilates can do. I consider that to be very important in a good instructor.
Judy Foo, full-time mother
I gained much muscle strength and flexibility after starting Pilates. Louisa is comprehensive in her teaching, and she is patient, friendly and motivating!