
Pilates focuses on uniformly developing the deep, stabilising muscles of the body: the transverse abdominis (deepest abs), the spinal erectors and the deep gluteals – among many others. These postural, stabilising muscles then enable the “movement muscles” to do the jobs they were designed for, rather than compensate for weakened stabilisers. So in this way, Pilates conditions your body “from the inside out”.

Practiced regularly, Pilates yields many life-long benefits, such as:
  1. Increased body awareness and coordination.
  2. Improved core stability and strength.
  3. Improved muscular strength and balance.
  4. Better posture and alignment.
  5. Increased muscular tone and endurance.
  6. A stronger, more flexible spine. .
  7. Balanced muscle development to improve athletic performance and develop functional fitness for daily life activity.
  8. Reduced muscle tension.

      Movement should be approached like life - with enthusiasm, joy and gratitude – for movement is life and life is movement, and we get out of it what we put into it.”

      ~ Ron Fletcher

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